Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Remaining Fuzzy

There's been a delay on the shave--for various reasons. It'll happen in a few weeks. Sorry--I was looking forward to it too :P
Meanwhile enjoy this:
What can I say? Everybody loves Marshall.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lack of Meds

The dogs remain shaggy and ungroomed. Why?

Zeke isn't utd on rabies.

They won't let us take him there w/o an up to date rabies certificate so my parents decide to take them both together after he gets the shot. 

Eh what can I do? These things are expected from my family.

Monday, May 23, 2011

So what if this post isn't about my dogs?

They're getting shaved. I'll post a million pics I promise :)

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Omigod ^ Keir Gilchrist=AMAZING actor. Don't know him? Then go watch It's Kind of a Funny Story. Best movie ever. Can't stop watching it! Keir and Thomas Mann are just freaking awesome.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Omigawd haven't posted since FURever

Yeah and I feel bad. :| Like many of my fodc friends (weird huh) I too have knee problems. Maybe it's sumfin with dog lovers? Anyway I got my knee chcked out and it's probably going to need surgery eventually. Yesh ick. But not for years so now I just have to deal with all the pain it gives me for walking on it too hard or in the wrong way. Yay...

Onto Zekeh and Jaxeh. They're doin' pretty awesome...not much to say. They'll be groomed and shaved in June so that'll be a sight to see. I'll post plenty of pics.

I love y'all,
~the completely and totally rad Renee

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Recommended Reading and a Tired Pooch

 ZzZzZzZz...that's my Pep with her siblings! We bring her home soon, supposedly 1-2 weeks. She is getting older and the other reserved pups have gone home. Her breeder thinks she may be show quality, so she wants to keep her just a while more and possibly then ask us to show her :o)
I have her reserved from Staatlich Border Collies, for information. Yep, that's the recommended reading :) She's such a beauty. I can't wait to get my baby home with me, it will be such an experience to have a pup around the house again! I've already gotten her a bed, some toys, a collar and I.D. tags, a leash, and her very own food. :) Soon I'll have...her!! When that day comes, it'll be another long trip to Tennessee but it will all be worth it to be bringing home my baby Ree's Red Pepper. She is such a wonderful dog (yes, I have met her, not too long ago either) and so beautiful. She is energetic but very mellow for her breed. This will be an amazing experience!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

And a Star Is Born

This is Zeke's entrance for the contest by emmadactryl on, called "And a Star is Born." The contest is long over but it's still a cute video!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Pet Rocks and Tennis Balls

There is, now, the heated discussion of pet rocks. One person's opinion, pet rocks don't eat, sleep breathe, die, "their just damn rocks." (Quote, Warrior-Loves-Spare, Another's opinion, pet rocks are fun, cute pets, but that "some people take the matter too seriously, and some people don't know how to take a joke." (Quote, Jaxeh,

Anyways, just thought I'd do a bit of that...........

A video of Zeke needing to get his act together is in store, you think? I think so. He's a lazy butt on our couch while his agility equipment is just sitting in the yard, screaming, "use me! Use me!"

He is, however, motivated extremely by tennis balls!